Get a heartfelt dose of spirituality, self-care and service through the eyes of Jennifer Evans, Host and Founder of Jenerosity Foundation. 

In this multimedia format, Jennifer gives personal insight and interviews inspiring impactors and entrepreneurs to uncover the conditions that are keepings us unwell, and how to fix them. 

If you’re to learn more about wellness, growth, and living a Jenerous life, then The Jenerosity Show is the show for you!


The Story of Make-A-Wish Foundation - A Heart Warming Tale

Quinton Aaron from the movie The Blind Side fights Bullying!

Forgiving the People who Murdered my Mother - Zandar Chasan


The dictionary defines generosity as “The quality of being kind and generous”

Jenerosity is the quality of being kind and generous too, but not just to others, to yourself too! Discerning when to say no to others is not selfish, it’s self-care. You may feel less altruistic, yet you will actually end of giving more. 

As the late George Carlin put it, “They tell you to adjust your oxygen mask before you help your child with his.” 

Like what you see on The Jenerosity Show, then help Jenerosity Foundation Grow!


Fireside Chat with Troy Hoffman

Nations of Women with Tina Allton

Dose of Did you Know with Danielle Rocco